Tiktok Ads Management


TikTok is the social media app of today. Not only does it have more users than Twitter and Snapchat, but TikTok also allows advertisers to get creative with their ads without clogging up a feed like Facebook or Instagram.

  • Generate leads
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Analyse competitors
  • Increase sales
  • Performance-oriented paid social
  • Digital geeks with 10+ years’ experience

Increase Brand awareness with TikTok Ads

Wherever you find the youth of today, it’s probably on their phones. And while we’re all familiar with Facebook and Snapchat being two go-to destinations for social media content consumption, there is a new app that has taken over as one of the most popular apps out there – TikTok! In fact, this video app allows users to produce short clips up to 15 seconds long which are then uploaded directly onto your account in real time (making them perfect for those spur-of-the moment ideas).

The unprecedented virility of these videos has irrevocably altered our digital marketing landscape because not only do they offer more ads than Twitter or Snapchat but also due to its popularity among younger audiences who make up a large chunk at 36%.

It is important for a company to stay current with the latest trends. Take, for example, Social Media advertising such as TikTok Ads which are known today as the newest trend in reaching your customer base and increasing brand awareness.

Increase Sales with a proven TikTok Ads Management agency

Running an ad campaign can be a costly endeavour, but sometimes the investment is worth it. TikTok ads are one such example: they’re just $100 for 100,000 impressions and you’ll reach your intended demographic with great success. By targeting specific demographics like “millennials” or “women 18-24,” advertisers will find that their brand resonates well among these people and creates more sales opportunities than before!

Using TikTok Ads, you can target your audience by gender, location and age. With detailed reporting we provide on what interests are delivering against your goals in the marketing funnel with app installs and product sales for example.

TikTok Ad Formats

TikTok is only getting bigger. This is a great opportunity for your business to reach these peoplewith creative ads that will resonate across the world by using their versatile ad formats.

Top View

A video first format that presents your brand on the best and unmissable placement of TikTok, capturing full user attention with sight, sound and narrative.

  • Leading access to user attention – showcase your brand on TikTok’s most premium real estate.
  • Up to 60 seconds of full-screen and long-form video, with auto-play and sound.
  • Distraction-free viewing grabbing 100% user attention.

Brand Takeover

Immediately hook user attention with full-screen static or dynamic display, delivering strong visualimpact for your brand.

  • Capture user attention through a full-screen visual experience.
  • Multiple creative format options with static or dynamic display.
  • Both 3 second JPG and 3-5 second video supported.

In-Feed Ads

Tell your brand story like a TikTok creator by integrating video content into users’ “For You” feed.

  • Appear in “For You” feed with up to 60-second of auto-play video with sound.
  • Users can ‘like’, ‘comment’, ‘share’, ‘follow’, ‘shoot video with the same music’ etc.

Branded Hashtag Challenge

A one-of-a-kind engagement format that taps into user passion for creation and expression. Delivering strong brand awareness with a level of engagement that goes far beyond a simple click.

  • Invite all users to participate and create content around your campaign theme, with all UGC aggregating in the hashtag challenge page.
  • 3 to 6 day package options with supporting media placements, creative guidance and seamless setup.
  • Average engagement rate of 8.5% through likes, comments and shares.

Branded Effects

Sponsored Content

Reach a highly engaged audience in the LinkedIn news feed.

Sponsored Content ad formats deliver native ads to the LinkedIn feed of members in your target audience. They can be displayed to LinkedIn members across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Sponsored Content ad formats include:

  • Single image ads
  • Carousel ads
  • Video ads
  • Single job ads
  • Event ads

Sponsored Messaging

Engage your audience in LinkedIn Messaging, where professional conversations happen. Send direct, one-on-one messages to your audience’s LinkedIn Messaging, where they increasingly spend most of their time — and when they’re most engaged and in the right mindset.

Sponsored Messaging includes message ads and conversation ads.

Message Ads allow you to send direct messages to your audience to spark immediate action.

Conversation ads all you to start quality conversations with professional through a choose-yourown-path experience.

Our Approach

Discovering what your customers care about

To know what drives your customers, you must know them on a personal level. We look behind your audience’s demographics, seeking insight into the lifestyle, attitudes, and interests of your customer. We use social listening tools to see what people are saying – about your brand, competitors, industry, and business-related topics – generating data for actionable strategies.

We also identify the platforms competitors use effectively, how they interact with followers, and what content gets people talking and sharing.

Choosing the right channels for your brand

Every social platform offers different advantages. Our research ensures your business is on the right platforms, and creating the right content for each channel.

Our social media specialists, can help your business choose the best platforms for your social media ad management services. Helping your company focus on the most useful networks for your company can result in a bigger return and better results.

Amplifying strategic impact

Just as data helps pinpoint your audience, it helps to maximise your ROI on social. When it’s time to boost your social efforts, our paid media team launches ads with precise audience targeting.

We continue to monitor audience and creative performance, optimising ad spend to ensure your social media marketing dollars are used with maximum efficiency.

Crunching the numbers

Ongoing monitoring of social ads gives us a big-picture view, but we’re at our best digging deep into a campaign’s KPIs to measure them against a campaign’s goals.

Reporting helps us determine ways to improve targeting, create more brand advocates, and increase your company’s share of voice across each channel. We report to you in detail, usually on monthly basis.

Are you a good fit for our Tiktok advertising service?


You enjoy a collaborative approach to working with agencies.


You are responsive and available for quick approvals.


You are willing to invest and scale your strategy as needed.


You're open to testing new strategies and content types.


You have clear, realistic goals or you're willing to work collaboratively to discover and define them.



We discuss the project objective and scope


We send you a detailed proposal


You accept the proposal and make initial payment


We begin our research


Channel planning and strategy


Campaign creation


Creative and copy approvals sent to you for approval


Campaign launch

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