Bing Ads Management

You’re missing a golden opportunity to connect with millions of people who don’t use Google when you ignore BING ADVERTISING. Microsoft’s Bing search engine boasts more than 936 million unique monthly visitors worldwide.

  • Generate leads
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Analyse competitors
  • Increase sales
  • Performance-oriented paid social
  • Digital geeks with 10+ years’ experience


Less Competition

Bing ads have numerous benefits from a lack of competition, such as better ad positions and cheaper costs per click.


Because of the lower competition, it’s also cheaper to market on Bing Ads. Users report an average decrease in cost per click of about 35%. Plus, it’s easier to get in top positions on the results.

Demographic Options

Bing Advertising allows search ads to be more distinctly filtered by specific demographics. You can also decrease or increase the bidding based on age, gender, or location.

Diversify with Bing Ads

Diversification is a crucial element of any digital marketing campaign. Bing Advertising allows you to run campaigns across three different search engines: Bing, AOL and Yahoo! Your advertisements can also appear on any sites owned by those search giants or their partner websites plus all the others in between which make up an extensive network.

The Google Ads market is saturated, and it’s tough for brands to stand out. But with fewer advertisers competing for keywords and placement in Bing search engine results pages, clicks on Bing platform are roughly 33% cheaper while average click through rates around 50%.

Better ROI

A study published by ReportGarden found that the average CPC (cost per click) of a Bing Ads was $7.99, whereas the average CPC ad on Google Ads was $20.08.

The fewer businesses that are competing with you, the more effective your ads will be at reaching your intended audience at a lower bid. Due to the accessibility with Bing Ads and the high ROI, it’s a smart decision to work in both the Bing Ads and Google Ads world.

Bing AD types

One of the main benefits of Bing Ads is that it offers a more custom option for its advertising users. Below are the various types of ads they offer.

  • App Install Ads
  • Expanded Text Ads
  • Dynamic search ads
  • Bing Advertising in Bing Smart Search
  • Bing Audience Ads
  • Multimedia Ads
  • Product ads
  • Responsive search ads

Our Approach

  • Business analysis
  • Campaign strategy
  • KPI and goals established
  • Keyword research
  • Competitor research
  • Ad writing
  • Tracking codes and tag manager setup
  • Account creation
  • Remarketing audience setup
  • Live Dashboard setup

  • Display campaign setup
  • Placement selection
  • Build ad creatives
  • Ad optimisation
  • ROI optimisation
  • Location and demographic optimisation

  • New keyword opportunities
  • Negative keywords
  • Test variations
  • Change underperforming creatives
  • Stabilise ROAS and scale ad spend
  • Keyword level budget optimisation to decrease cost per sale

  • Scale revenue
  • Ad variations
  • CPA optimisation
  • Bing Ads Expansion Research
  • Overall account audit & recommendations
  • Competitor landscape analysis (auction insights)
  • Annual reporting
  • Review business growth, KPIs and insights

Are you a good fit for our Bing advertising service?


You enjoy a collaborative approach to working with agencies.


You are responsive and available for quick approvals.


You are willing to invest and scale your strategy as needed.


You're open to testing new strategies and content types.


You have clear, realistic goals or you're willing to work collaboratively to discover and define them.



We discuss the project objective and scope


We send you a detailed proposal


You accept the proposal and make initial payment


We begin our research, audits and strategy development


Campaign creation


Campaign launch


Analytics and reporting

May we help you?

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